ISF Filing Form

Download our Importer Security Filing (ISF) form to complete before your shipment can be loaded and shipped to the United States. Failure to file an ISF without a bond on file prior to loading can result in a penalty of up to $5,000.

Export Power of Attorney

If we are preparing and filing export data on your behalf for an export shipment, we require that a completed Export Power of Attorney be completed and on file authorizing us to act on your behalf.



If you require an Storetoexpress W-9 for tax or accounting purposes, you may download the form here.


Brokerage POA

Terms & Conditions

Credit Application

Determinations to offer credit are made solely by Storetoexpress and are contingent upon completion of our credit application and providing references or audited financials. Note: This document must be downloaded and completed in MS Word and cannot be completed online.

Consent to Search

Pursuant to Transportation Security Administration (TSA) regulations, shippers must provide their consent for a shipment to be searched prior to loading on an aircraft. Failure to provide this form means that a shipment will be treated as unknown cargo and can move only on freighter aircraft.


If your company are participants in CPTAT and wish to share SVI numbers, please complete our contact form to let us know the email address to whom we should send the number via CBP’s CPTAT portal.

Request CPTAT SVI Number


Shipper’s Letter of Instruction

Storetoexpress boasts four offices in North America covering the needs of the entire United States market. We have our Asian headquarters in Shanghai. Our sister company Everlink has their headquarters in Kunshan. We are a company with our own assets through China for trucking and heavy-lift operations and special cargo and projects. Owning assets and having employees in China is a unique competitive advantage.